What services provides site SEAOO.com?
By SEAOO.com enable the shipment of any quantity of goods at an attractive price. We provide services in the field of maritime transport organizations parcel. In the case of exports include delivery of goods from the shipper to the nearest national due to the address of the recipient terminal at the port of destination. The imports include delivery of goods from the nearest terminal due to the address of the shipper to consignee door in Poland.
SEAOO.com service also allows you to use the services of a customs agency.
You can entrust us with all administrative matters relating to the consignment.
You can entrust us with all administrative matters relating to the consignment.
Basic information
Marine transport
Who can use maritime transport?
What services provides site SEAOO.com?
What are the maximum dimensions of cargo?
How long does it take shipping goods?
To which countries realize maritime transport?
When the ships leave?
What does the term "closing time" mean?
What maritime defines the term "cut off"?
What happens when you cross deadline?
Dictionary of additives for use in forwarding